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Molded printing for curved articles

Printing on molded Bodies


Printing on molded bodies involves various printing processes that make it possible to print on physical objects such as casings, buttons, optical lenses, and promotional material. Processes include pad printing, screen printing, and, in some cases, UV printing. Thanks to our wide range of machines, we can respond to special requests and find a suitable printing process.

Round Printing Process


Round printing is used to print on flat, cylindrical, and slightly conical items. A screen is required for this, just like in “flat” screen printing. But unlike flat printing, the workpiece in this machine moves and the squeegee remains in its place.

We can print on molded bodies including:

  • Casings
  • Round objects
  • Buckets
  • Beakers and much more

Do you have any questions about our services?

Please call 030/6913022 or use our contact form