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Our new UV printer is speeding up. - Union Klischee

Our new UV printer is speeding up.

Our new UV printer is speeding up.

Bigger, faster and more versatile – we have expanded our range of machinery into the fields of digital and UV printing. With the new UV printer, we are able to print on format sizes of up to 122 cm x 122 cm x 7 cm (length x width x height). The high printing speed and larger print formats enable us to print higher quantities in a shorter amount of time.

The combination of the UV printer and a special ink is very unique in Germany, this allowed a solvent-resistant, disinfectant-resistant and smudge/scratch resistant finished product. The disinfectant-resistance is of utmost importance in sectors such as medical technology.

UV printing allows us to print on almost any kind of material, these include: plastic, glass, metal and even stone. One feature of UV printing is that UV Inks harden immediately un the influence of UV light.