Notice: WP_Block_Type_Registry::register was called incorrectly. Block type names must contain a namespace prefix. Example: my-plugin/my-custom-block-type Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 5.0.0.) in /homepages/29/d34715498/htdocs/2019/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5231
We are moving! - Union Klischee

We are moving!

We are moving!

We are moving to a new location with twice as much production area, 2.000 sqm meters distributed over two floors. From November the 13th 2017 onwards, we will be at your disposal from our new site in Berlin-Mariendorf. Apart from our new address being Lankwitzer Straße 34, everything has remained the same. This includes our contact details such as telephone numbers, our email address and our company website. We are very thankful for our past cooperations and look forward to collaborating with you in the near future! To keep you in suspense, our new building is yet to be revealed unveiled 🙂